By Sally Goldman
It is often said that the Palestinian children are to pay a price for the mistakes of their leaders. They are the ones who are being killed by the Israeli air raids bombing Gaza now. They are the victims of the terrorist actions Hamas launched against Israeli citizens on October 7, which killed many people. This is the bad news. The good news is that the roles have been switched. It is the United Arab Emirates that is paying a big price to have over one thousand Palestinian children receive medical treatment in the Emirates’ hospitals after they suffered wounds and injuries as a result of the Gaza War.
While many countries refuse to give aid to the Palestinians, the Government of the United Arab Emirates does not spare any effort to help the Palestinians. It always creates expressions of support to place the Palestinians at the top of its foreign policy commitments. The health departments and the hospital systems in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip have been financed and supported by the Government of the Emirates over the years. Many of the Palestinian medical doctors receive their training in Emirati hospitals. Many Palestinians are living in the UAE and are employed by the health sector in the Emirates.
Needless to say, the Emirati health care system ranks first overall out of the Arab countries. It is also ranked very high in the World Index of Healthcare Innovation. The Palestinians have benefited a great deal from the advanced healthcare programs located in the United Arab Emirates. The Emirates also has a very sophisticated pharmaceutical industry. Many Palestinians in Gaza gain access to medical drugs manufactured, processed, and marketed in the United Arab Emirates.
The Emirates is covering the full costs and the hospitalization expenses of these 1000 Palestinian children. Their misery has found a solution through the generosity of the United Arab Emirates. The Emirates is not dealing with these Palestinian children as either foreigners or expatriates. They are viewed as equal to the nationals and the citizens of the Emirates. Since the hospitals in the UAE have outstanding healthcare infrastructure and are equipped with the latest cutting-edge medical equipment and technology, expectedly, these Palestinian children will receive the best treatment they can get. They will recover from their injustices, and the rehabilitation process will be smooth and successful for them both physically and psychologically.
Overall, the Emirates is the ideal destination for the Palestinians. The country’s safety and security record, wonderful and decent people, and outstanding medical industry have always teamed with the Palestinian people to provide them with whatever they needed. The many diversified services that the Emirates have given to the Palestinians range from education to economic development, to social help, and not the least scientific and technological training.
Overall, the Emirates has been the provider of much assistance to the Palestinians since the Gaza War started. The Emirates sent a lot of medical and food assistance to the Palestinians in Gaza. The Emirates continues to do so. The Emirates’ assistance to the Palestinians has been the lifeline for many Palestinian families.
The Emirates is the voice of reason and her actions are to prioritize the preservation of human life. It has called several times to initiate a ceasefire in Gaza. It is working with international organizations to ensure the safe passage of humanitarian and medical staff into Gaza.
It is often said that there is a natural wisdom to children’s dreams. Dreams enable children to express their feelings and ideas which they cannot translate into a spoken language. The Emirates is giving these Palestinian children a free space in which their growing minds can play and exercise their creative imaginations. When they are fully cured and when they grow up, the United Arab Emirates will be the greatest dream in their fascination and passion.