Egyptian President’s Initiative for Palestinian Statehood: A Call for International Recognition

In a bid to secure international recognition and United Nations membership, President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of the Arab Republic of Egypt has put forth an initiative aiming to translate international resolutions regarding the Palestinian people’s human and legitimate rights into action. This initiative aligns with all international treaties, the United Nations Security Council resolutions, and Arab Summit decisions to realize the aspirations of the Palestinian people for the establishment of their sovereign, independent state on their land before the Israeli occupation on June 5, 1967.

The initiative emphasizes the consensus among Western countries, including the apparent support of the United States, in the establishment of two states: a Palestinian state within its borders preceding June 5, 1967, and an Israel state within its existing borders before June 5, 1967.

However, a critical challenge arises regarding the representation of the Palestinian people in negotiations to implement United Nations resolutions, Security Council decisions, Arab League resolutions, and Arab summit initiatives aimed at creating a Palestinian state comprising the West Bank, Gaza, and its capital, East Jerusalem.

The absence of a unified government representing the legitimate rights, interests, land, dignity, and protection of Palestinian resources poses a dilemma. The question remains: Who will represent the Palestinian people in these crucial negotiations?

The pressing need to seize the opportunity for the establishment of a Palestinian state, for which the blood of thousands of Palestinian martyrs has been shed, raises concerns about the absence of a transitional government capable of representing all factions of the resistance movement. Such a government could effectively advocate for the Palestinian people, fulfilling their Arab, global, and international entitlements toward achieving their independent statehood.

The potential success of this historic responsibility lies in the capacity of the Palestinian leadership to unify all factions and organizations, aligning national goals within a singular strategy. This unity aims to ensure the Palestinian people’s right to a dignified life, enabling them to rebuild their homeland, educate their children, and harness their abilities within a recognized, internationally acknowledged state. The cooperation also extends to shaping a brighter future for the Arab world collectively.

However, the current scenario witnesses various Palestinian organizations – such as the Palestinian Liberation Organization, Hamas, and Islamic Jihad – engaged in internal power struggles. This discord casts a shadow over the Palestinian position and jeopardizes the rights of the Palestinian people, akin to the events of 1948 during the partition resolution, dividing Palestinian and Jewish territories.

The missed opportunities and divergent views among representatives of the Palestinian people and some Arab leaders have hindered the realization of Palestinian rights over the past 75 years. This period witnessed the loss of innocent lives, the usurpation of Palestinian territories, forced refugee exodus to Arab and global nations, and the fragmentation of families, marking one of the greatest humanitarian tragedies in history.

Therefore, Palestinian leaders across different factions and movements must acknowledge the magnitude of sacrifices and bloodshed endured throughout history. They must reevaluate their strategies collectively to achieve unity of purpose and solidarity among all Palestinian entities. This strategic realignment is crucial for safeguarding the rights of the Palestinian people in this pivotal moment. Failure to establish a Palestinian state risks plunging the future into darkness and uncertainty, replacing hope with despair.

To this end, a modest proposal is put forth:

Egypt’s Initiative for Unity: Egypt invites all Palestinian faction leaders, including Hamas, Fatah, the Palestinian Authority, and the Palestinian Liberation Organization, to convene in Cairo.
Inclusive Meeting: A meeting facilitated by Egypt, Qatar, Iran, and Saudi Arabia aims to unite Palestinian representatives for constructive dialogue.
Agenda Focus: Agreement on forming a transitional government representative of all Palestinian factions present at the conference, with a cabinet serving a two-year term.
Arab League Recognition: Endorsement by the Arab League to support the transitional government’s UN membership and representation of the Palestinian people.
Negotiation Mandate: Empowerment of the interim government to negotiate with the Israeli government under the auspices of the UN Security Council and the Arab League. This negotiation should adhere to UN charters, ensuring full respect for both parties’ rights under international law.
Transition of Authority: The transitional government replaces the Palestinian Authority, inheriting all its powers, budgets, political agreements, and international treaties.
Administrative Location: The interim government operates from the current seat of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah, serving as the temporary capital of the Palestinian state.
International Engagement: Egypt engages with European countries, UN Security Council members, and the United States to notify them of the establishment of the temporary Palestinian government, fostering peace negotiations between Israel and the new state. This could mark the beginning of cooperation for sustained stability in the Middle East, transcending religious, ideological, and partisan affiliations, aiming to achieve a peaceful and secure life for all.
This humble proposal aspires to guide a practical step that expedites the process, ends hesitancy, and builds trust among nations. It seeks to promote a good life irrespective of religious, ideological, or partisan affiliations, advocating for mercy, justice, tolerance, collaboration, and the prohibition of aggression and killing, as ordained by God. The hope remains that sincere wishes materialize into reality on the ground.

About The Author
Ali Alshourfa Alhamady is a well-known thinker who wrote several books on the Islamic reform
And the Middle East peace

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