Policy of “Seeking Regime Change in Tehran”

Erfan Fard

Above all, For all of the candidates of presidency in the U.S., this question is important “Why Washington Should Seek Regime Change in Tehran?” Most likely, some of the American political figures talk about the ruin of mullah’s outlaw regime in Iran straightforwardly.

Even though, “Regime Change” is a poisonous word in Washington. Routinely, some of the politicians, like to prolong the life of the mullah’s regime, others are unwilling to backing “regime change” in Tehran.

The movement of Khomeinism was an alarm to ruin the region and supports of Muslim Brotherhood was behind this chaos. Factually, Islamic regime in Iran came to power by assisting a transnational terrorist network.

These days, the path across this quagmire is very narrow, because there is no way to change the aggressive behavior of a theocratic regime of criminal ayatollahs. The remaining of this regime will lead to more volatility and dramatic situation in the region as well. Surprisingly, some of the figures in political corridors in Washington almost always attempt to disregard this reality, because they have no illusion about the malicious nature of the Islamic regime.

Regime Change in Tehran will be a unique phenomenon in contemporary history, but the outlook of the international community is not so prepared for such different transformation. The terrorist proxies will resume fueling aggression, terrorism, and instability for a while. More likely, without skepticism, the collapse of mullah’s regime will be more significant than the downfall of Apartheid or communism in 20th century.

Remarkably, the imposing and implementation of Maximum pressure or invoking vigorous “Snapback mechanism” will be a promising aid for regime change in Iran. Now, the modern world identified the full continuum of Iran’s evil acts. Brazenly, this terrorist regime, with no borders, is a threat for the free world.

Confidently, the Iranian society will enjoy the freedom or dignity they so deeply deserve. With anticipation, the U.S. play a key role in shaping a modern Iran!

A dynamic nationwide protest disturbed the Terrorist Islamic regime of mullahs in Iran. Essentially, the threatening regime of mullahs confronted a direct ideological assault on the legitimacy and credibility.

The subsequent protest movements could resurge soon, specially after the death of Khamenei and challenges after leadership succession. Khamenei, or the Supreme leader of the world’s terrorists, is one of the world’s longest-reigning dictators. Thus, the message of Iran’s protests was so clear, they want regime change and termination of the Islamic Terrorist regime of mullahs.

Academically, the subject of regime change is one of the more bolting subjects in the analysis of politics and international relations. Many factors may impact the view of White House toward Iran, regime stability and the dynamics within Iran. Therefore, to put matters in a nutshell, there is no straightforward or sharp solution to the existing quandary.

The effective regime change in Iran depends on many leverages. Crystally clear, by lack of strong will. overthrowing a terrorist regime of mullahs and the liberation of the Iranians from the tyranny cannot be so easy for the U.S.

Biden and democrats, behind the scenes, want a deal with the savage mullahs in Iran. Continuously, there is no question that, democrats in white house like to underestimate and neglect the possibility of regime change.

My eyes are out on stalks. I like to wake up and smell the coffee. I don’t hold out much hope…but the media said “The U.S. seeks to silence #Israeli opposition to a revived Iran nuclear deal by offering to broker a Saudi-Israeli normalization deal in exchange.”.

Alas, from one side, the savage regime of mullahs in Iran with atrocious acts wants to oppress and censor courageous Iranians peacefully protesting for Regime Change. From another side, the political theater & competition of numerous fake opposition is a hilarious comedy!

predictably, the mullah’s regime in Iran couldn’t stay in power for years to come! These flames will remain! But it seems extraordinary that anyone in Washington still offers the options of war and regime change. The U.S. intelligence community know that Iran is on the verge of Internal crisis and structural transformation.

Strategically, regime change is not a bankrupt idea for the U.S. and it can be a serious policy option. If Americans want to have a saner and more peaceful foreign policy, one of the first things that needs to happen is to expand regime change from the policy for all. certainly, the regime will not be able to reunite with the Iranians. So, the regime change in an isolated regime could redesign the entire Middle East, the main allies of the U.S.

More likely, the Regime Change will ring the knell of mullah’s regime. Iran will rise from her ashes; Iran will rise like a phoenix from the ashes. It’s not clear that how far will the mullah’s regime go. But the mullah’s mafia regime in Iran will go to ash heap of history where it belongs.


Erfan Fard is a counter-terrorism analyst and Middle East Studies researcher based in Washington, DC. He is in Middle Eastern regional security affairs with a particular focus on Iran, counter terrorism, IRGC, MOIS and ethnic conflicts in MENA. He graduated in International Security Studies (London M. University, UK), and in International Relations (CSU-LA). Erfan is a Jewish Kurd of Iran, and he is fluent in Persian, Kurdish, Arabic and English. / Follow him from this twitter account @EQFARD / The newly published book of Erfan Fard is: “The gruesome mullah” , which has been published in the USA.

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