Rep Oye Set to Join 2025’s Annual MLK Prayer Breakfast.

Washington, DC—DC’s Representative Oye Owolewa is set to join 2025’s Annual MLK Prayer Breakfast on Saturday, January 11th, 2025 at Matthews Memorial Baptist Church (2616 MLK Ave SE). Starting at 9 am, community leaders, faith leaders and elected officials will speak on the importance of Martin Luther King jr’s legacy and living up to his ideals and principals. Rep Oye plans to speak about Martin Luther King Jr’s core values and his continued impact on our nation. As DC’s chief advocate for Statehood, Rep Oye will discuss our path forward in defending our home rule and local democracy. As DC’s only elected healthcare worker and former neighborhood commissioner, Rep Oye plans to discuss grassroots methods to improve local quality of life. Joining 2025’s MLK Prayer Breakfast is part of Rep Oye’s commitment to improving public health and quality of life.

“I’d like to thank Rev Dr Wanda Thompson and all other organizers for their work in preparation for this year’s Martin Luther King Prayer Breakfast in my home, Ward 8.” says Rep Oye “Bringing our city together is critical for the betterment of the 700,000 Americans living in our nation’s capital without a congressional vote. I’m proud to stand with our Mayor andDC Council and Mayor alike in the defense of our democracy. The fight for DC Statehood remains one of our nation’s biggest racial justice issues and I appreciate the opportunity to make our case during this year’s MLK Annual Prayer Breakfast.”

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