It might be considered simplistic to suggest that the tumult of 1979 (referred to the mayhem day of Khomeini) was confined solely to Iran, as the repercussions of this upheaval have undeniably rippled throughout the Middle East. To attribute the chaos merely to Khomeini and the Iranian populace ignites a narrative that, while intriguing, barely scratches the surface of a much more complex reality. The aftereffects of that era have not only ensnared the entire world but have also dragged it towards a global conflict that only intensifies with time. This escalating tragedy is poised to become even more catastrophic if the current regime in Iran continues to breathe unchallenged. From an Iranian perspective, dissecting this upheaval yields insights worth pondering.
The matter of Khomeini’s undisclosed affiliations and the true orchestrator behind his actions is not our focus here. His overt and covert connections with radical and terrorist entities such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Libya’s Gaddafi, Cuba’s Castro, Syria’s Asad, and Yasser Arafat are hardly secrets. However, when placed within the broader tapestry of human history, the calamity precipitated by such alliances and actions is unparalleled in both depth and breadth. Humanity, across various eras and centuries, has not faced a crisis or a transformative force as devastating as this.
The onset of mullahs’ dominance in Iran marked a significant turn, indicating that the natural functions of systems both within the Middle East and globally could no longer remain untouched. Iran found itself doubly victimized – exploited and colonized by its own clerical leaders on one hand, and on the other, the entire Middle East felt the tremors of this destructive wave. Engulfed in a storm of delusions, superstitions, disillusionment, and rebellion, Iranian society today teeters on the brink of collapse.
The so-called Islamic movement it birthed, reminiscent yet unparalleled to the religious wars of old, has morphed into a phenomenon far grimmer. Khomeini’s primary legacy, followed by his successors, was a regressive push that sought to hurl Iran back into the medieval ages, harboring dreams of exporting their revolution. Yet, 45 years on, the objective has shifted towards nurturing a transnational network of terrorism under the guise of Shia Crescent and Islamic resistance, periodically reigniting warfare against Israel. The regime’s diplomacy, rooted in an unmatched animosity towards America and Israel, harbors an insatiable appetite for conflict. The utility of such a sinister mission remains a mystery.
Western media, in the pivotal years of 1978 and 1979, failed to critically assess or question Khomeini, leaving an unexplored void regarding the true nature and motivations of this terror network. The extensive, organized propaganda machinery of the Islamic Republic, both within and beyond Iran’s borders, has managed to eclipse the grim realities of its foundation. The support that entities like the UK extended to Islamic groups in Egypt and Pakistan diverged into a disturbing narrative within Iran, transforming the Pan-Islamic movement into a cradle for Islamic terrorist activities. The pure Islam envisioned has devolved into a form of extremism that transcends all laws and principles.
Today, a deep dive into any library or archive can unveil discussions, dialogues, and interviews with Khomeini’s disciples, many of whom were active within Muslim youth organizations, Islamic councils, and engaged in terrorist camps. Yet, the global media’s failure to illuminate these extreme, mysterious figures has left a glaring gap in understanding the true extent of this crisis. The question looms large – why did the global media disguise Khomeini and disseminate baseless rumors, maintaining the meaningless title of ‘Ayatollah’ that suggests divine sanction? Even figures in America and Europe, known for their advocacy for peace, democracy, and human rights, maintained connections with Khomeini’s circle, further complicating the narrative.
The portrayal of Mosaddegh and other fake figures as victims of a fictional coup supported by the U.S., alongside the sanctification of Khomeini and his destructive ideology by both his followers and unwittingly by the global media, has led to a profound misrepresentation of Iran’s plight. For example, they interviewed Bazargan and famous figures who followed Mosaddegh and falsely claimed a fictional coup that America also supported. Today, some Western newspapers write that Mosaddegh was a popular and elected prime minister, but no one knows when and where those elections were and what pleasure lies in stating this lie? And if America was bad, why did all Mosaddegh’s followers have relationships with England and America for years?
This orchestrated deception has not only obscured the reality of Khomeini’s radical Islamic governance movement but has also painted Iran as a colony of this demonic crusade, cloaked in a false aura of sanctity. Today, those who dared to challenge or expose this narrative are regarded as traitors by Iran’s younger generation, testament to the enduring impact of a propaganda machine that sought to rewrite history.
They hid Khomeini’s intellectual building with noise and propaganda, made a false saint out of him, and indulged in their illusions that they could take Iran back to 1400 years ago.