Behrad Tavakoli
By the signs of the regime’s collapse, it’s crystal clearer that the public opinion is worrying about the necessity of leadership and organized headship of the transition period and future democratic referendums.
However, effectually, withdrawing cash from banks; converting rials to US dollars; boycotting state-owned companies; prohibiting the regime’s products and items; withdrawing funds from the stock market; and even banning electronic purchases and sales leads to the spur-of-the-moment campaigns of economic pressure on the regime.
These radical activities changed the regime’s banking, the national currency and economic system dramatically. As well, international sanctions will affect the regime’s ability to inject money into repressive forces, terrorist groups and loyal militia to the regime. Indeed, more likely, numerous published reports inside Iran indicate massive losses in the regime’s military, paramilitary, and security forces.
In such melodramatic situations, the formation of a transitional organization and the leadership is widespread in the public opinion. This matter is essential in the formation of any revolution in the globe.
In the last three months, the frequent demands for the opposition’s coalition, the Revolutionary Council by Iranians on social media has been increased. The context is very thought-provoking, but the capacity and structure of the political forces among the opposition in diaspora exacerbate the situation. Despite four months since the revolution, such an organization has not shaped, practically will not be organized.
One of the unique characteristics of Iran’s modern revolution in Iran, it’s a juxtaposition to the 1979 revolt. In other words, many figures who were active in that Marxist-terrorist rebellion are still alive and active in the media and prescribe their destructive approach for the young generation. They are in the political scene, 2 of the prominent figures are the Empress Farah Pahlavi and the other one is Prince Reza Pahlavi.
The terrorist groups of that period, such as Mujaheddin Organization (MEK), are still systematized with an undemocratic structure. Even though, they do not have a noteworthy base among the Iranian people, but they are still in the show. As well, the Kurdish separatist parties which are in Kurdish region of Iraq, cannot be allied with Pahlavi. The reason is clear, the nationalistic Pahlavi Dynasty kept territorial integrity of Iran devotedly, but the ethnic separatists have a different plan to make chaos possibility of regime change in Iran.
In addition , alongside these organizations related the 1979’s era, the pro-regime movements (reformists) with their mafia and fake figures or phony opposition outside of Iran, are in the show.
Crucially, some television which channels have financial dependency on some Arab countries in the Persian Gulf, . They have an active role in producing leaders for the current revolution and via propaganda, they present a puppet show for the public opinion and among the Iranian opposite. Their main purpose is controlling the domino effect or chain reaction of this pro-democracy revolution.
In such vague atmosphere, an important section of the Iranian people have comparing their current living situation and freedoms with the Pahlavi era basically. These people have a momentous curiosity in the situation that existed before the 1979 . Empirically, there were a couple of inadequacies in the system, such as a developed and modern political freedom. In fact, Prince Reza Pahlavi is the eminent face of the opposition, no matter what image of him is in the minds of Iranians. Simply put, He is a respectable pro-democracy character.
Conceivably, due to his capabilities and his faith and commitment to democracy, the only practical option for the leadership of the transitional period is Prince Reza Pahlavi. By the lack of deep-rooted political parties, there are a mass of non-popular front which stand in opposition to him.
These so-called opposition, such as Ethnic Separatist Groups under the name of “ethnic minority”, Marxist groups and also the Marxist-Islamic combination, by reason of failure in power after 1979, are now against the Islamic Republic system. But the illusion of Leninist patriotism is in contrast with the nationalism that Pahlavi represents enthusiastically and realistically.
Rationally, the pro-regime lobbies of reformists, since the era of Rafsanjani have an organic tie with some of the regional Arab states in Persian Gulf, such as Saudi Arabia. They like to reproduce the 2nd version of Islamic Republic to keep the corrupted system of mullah’s oligarch.
This propaganda for Islamic cover (Hijab) is fake and unsubstantiated. This is game to change the focus of Iranian people. If Iranian people be able to change the theocracy system in Iran, it will leads to a Domion effect regionally. So, the continuance of mullah’s regime with a new face, will be in their favor. In this context, they cannot tolerate the leadership of Reza Pahlavi.
Some of the uneducated people are resembling Khomeini to The Crown Price, which is irrelevant. The complex of these obstacles leades to the lack of e unique alternative in the stage to run the show effectively. The fake media, however, with infiltration of the abovementioned groups are supporting censorship and there is no independent figure among Iran International, radio Farda, DW Persian, BBC Persian, Manoto, Voice of America and etc. therefore, the formation of transitional office cannot viable.
With recognition of such groups, the decision makers in the US will try to select a group of activists to protect the interests of the US in the region and Iran. the chaotic Iran after regime change will not be in favor of the US. Islamic terrorism of Taliban, ISIS and Shia groups will destroy all the region ruthlessly. Definitely, a right choice and a rational figure can lead this volatile situation. the US should stay in the right side of the History, supporting the crown price Reza Pahlavi will be one of those reasonable decision in the White House.
• Behrad Tavakoli is a Composer, teacher, and scholar of Persian Traditional Music, he is based in Washington DC