Erfan Fard
In the complex web of global politics, the voices echoing from Iranian social networks paint a disturbing picture of the tragic state of justice and human rights in Iran. These networks are abuzz with discussions about a new wave of executions carried out by the regime of the criminal mullahs, shedding light on a regime that now seems to be far removed from any semblance of humanity and justice.
This outlaw regime, steeped in a history of violence, barbarism and oppression, continues to wear its past with pride. Officials who once glorified in the terrorism, butchery, and massacre of Shah-era officials before 1979’s revolt, now elevate themselves to a godlike status. In a disturbing twist of irony, they label anyone opposing their rule or harming their officials and agents as engaging in a war against God “waging war against God,”. This deification reached a new height with Khamenei, mullah’s Supreme Leader, recently declaring himself the voice of God in a chilling display of delusional power.
The judicial system in Iran has become a mere puppet in the hands of the powerful. Courts that should be the bastions of justice and fairness resemble more the tribunals of thugs, kangaroo courts, far removed from the legal norms observed in civilized nations. Judges appear to be mere extensions of the Ministry of Intelligence Service, MOIS, and the IRGC, signing off decrees as dictated. Under such a regime, the accusation of “waging war against God” is swiftly used to label and eliminate domestic opposition. Criticism of the regime, particularly of Khamenei, is met with the harshest of responses – execution. However, to preserve their rule, Khamenei and his thugs feel justified in any kind of brutal suppression.
If someone criticizes Khamenei and calls him a foolish dictator who falsely claims to be God’s representative on Earth, the court’s verdict is execution.
Reflecting on this, one must question the role of the international media. In the past, the media, enamored with figures like Khomeini, often overlooked the atrocities committed by the regime. They painted a romanticized picture of the terrorist revolutionaries, while the late Shah of Iran, who showed leniency to his adversaries, was vilified. These skewed narratives contributed to a world largely ignorant of the regime’s brutalities. Today, these media outlets seem reluctant to fully expose the ongoing horrors and savagery inside the mullahs’ dungeons.
The method of execution in Iran, often carried out at dawn, adds a layer of psychological terror to an already grim situation. For many Iranians, the morning call to prayer, which should signify peace and spirituality, has become a macabre reminder of the state’s brutality, signaling the execution of more innocent lives.
When the youth saw that the criminal ayatollahs, under the name of God and holiness, are the most corrupt, bloodthirsty, and thuggish people in society, they loudly write on social networks: “Damn your religion and creed…” or they say: “I hate the call to prayer…” A despised and isolated country that only shows its claws and teeth to its own people, humiliates its people, and takes out the failures on their own Islamic community… Cowardly, vile, filthy individuals who rule over Iran.
Yet, amidst this darkness, there is a flicker of resistance. Young Iranians, galvanized through social networks, are organizing protests, especially in front of prisons, in a desperate attempt to halt these executions. Their actions are a testament to the enduring human spirit and a stark reminder of the government’s failure to crush dissent.
However, their bravery alone is not enough. The international community must take a stand. Global leaders and human rights organizations need to put pressure on the Iranian government to halt these executions and respect basic human rights. The media, both local and international, must continue to shine a light on these injustices, giving voice to the voiceless and holding those in power accountable.
The situation in Iran is not just a national issue; it is a matter of global human rights. Silence and inaction are tantamount to complicity. It is time for the world to listen, speak up, and act before more lives are lost to the ruthless hands of a regime that has lost its way.