IDF in the War Against Terrorism

IDF in the War Against Terrorism
Erfan Fard

These days IDF personnel, specifically the agents of counterterrorism, are involved in a military operation to eliminate the terrorists o Jenin.

Simply put, there is no solution in dealing with terrorists except triumph over terrorism which provoked by the outlaw regime of criminal mullahs in Iran.

To be clear, Jenin is the capital of terrorism and a center of rebellion and only the devoted officers of Israel have the responsibility to save the life of innocent citizens.

The images from Jenin, shows this truth that thugs of Khamenei and IRGC’s Quds Force are behind this revolt. There’s not a shred of doubt that, most of the Palestinian Arab leadership are hand puppets of mullahs in Iran. Grotesquely, all the modern world sees which way the wind is blowing and gets the message. Realistically, Iranian regime , as a state sponsor of terrorism, supports various Shia militia and terrorist groups.

Ridiculously and madly, Esmail Qaani, the terrorist commander of Quds Force, played the fool. It is only to be expected, he claimed that in Jenin the young generation gave the hell to Israel.

This Islamic terrorist and stooge of Khamenei reveals his true colors. He, as stubborn as a mule, believes that the revolt of 1979 which orchestrated by the Marxist-Islamic groups and followers of Khomeini is a pattern for Palestinians.

You would not wish 1979 on your worst enemy.

The truth will out, the Iranian regime since 1979 impede the progress of Peace between Israel and Palestinians. Briefly, the words of Khamenei and Qaani, anybody can sketch out the hidden line. With threatening incitements, Iranian regime provoked the terrorists of Jenin only for making a chaotic situation in the vicinity of Israel borders. The thing is that the mullahs live and breathe the ruin of Israel. Only time will tell, but this is the beginning of the catastrophe.

Morgan Ortagus announced rationally that “Terror groups in Jenin have grown too big for the Palestinian government to control, thanks to Iranian supplies, training, and financing. Israel has a right to defend themselves from anti-Semitic violence on their borders. “. In reality, the mullah’s regime make Palestinian’s life a misery

It is not for nothing that the disaster will be the participation of other monstrous Iran-backed proxies of the Transnational Terrorist Network, and other potential future partners. For this reason, the Israeli IDF should target the operations and clear out the terror nests of the Islamic terrorists in Jenin properly.

As Netanyahu got to the point and said:” Jenin is no longer a safe haven!”!

Then Israel will achieve victory if they destroy all the expanded terror groups and confiscate sophisticated weapons would have been used to carry out future terrorist attacks on Israeli civilians. Nobody cry for decimating the terrorists, even though the Jenin terrorists are literally being buried in the flags of their affiliated terror groups.

Currently, the unvarnished and entirely false propaganda machine of mullah’s regime is focusing in elaborating the lie against reality about Jenin, sensationalizing and fan the flames. So, with a precision effort to halt terror operations, Israeli forces must continue to fight against radical Islamist Palestinian terrorists.

Confidently, under these circumstances, the Jenin operation is a stunning success and an achievement for Israel. For that reason, the people gave IDF vehicles a hero’s welcome and chanted “long live Israel!”.

May the lord keep you.

Israel finally manages to break free from the terrorist attackers. making stability and peace still has a long way to go. Then, on the credit side, lightning never strikes twice in the same place.


Erfan Fard is a counter-terrorism analyst and Middle East Studies researcher based in Washington, DC. He is in Middle Eastern regional security affairs with a particular focus on Iran, counter terrorism, IRGC, MOIS and ethnic conflicts in MENA. He graduated in International Security Studies (London M. University, UK), and in International Relations (CSU-LA). Erfan is a Jewish Kurd of Iran, and he is fluent in Persian, Kurdish, Arabic and English. / Follow him from this twitter account @EQFARD / The newly published book of Erfan Fard is: “The gruesome mullah” , which has been published in the USA.

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