The UAE is the finest model of sustainable development

Political and Economic Development are the desired magic goals that societies, governments, and states work to achieve for their prosperity.

Development is the indicator of social progress according to those who know and study the development of the state and society. Its definition means the fulfillment of what the society and the state need, coupled with a policy of not wasting the sources of national wealth.

The Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations in New York works to promote sustainable development, and anticipates the challenges that prevent countries from developing. It helps nations secure and provide a decent and balanced life associated with good health and educational care for the provision of a safe future for all members of a society.

The United Arab Emirates has collaborated with the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs in offering creative solutions to the impediments that thwart the evolution of nations toward development. In particular, the Emirati delegation presented the country’s vision, experience, and the efforts made in the context of achieving and translating the goals of sustainable development of the United Nations 2030 in many UN sessions. In addition,

Mr. Abdullah Nasser Lootah, the Chairman of the Competitiveness Council and Vice-Chairman of the National Committee for Sustainable Development Goals in the Government of the United Arab Emirates has reiterated the fact that the leadership of His Highness The President of the U.A. E. Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, has been instrumental in adopting and accelerating the achievement of sustainable development goals, and in disseminating his distinguished experience in the field of development to all the countries in the world. This UAE’s wise direction testifies to the optimistic visions and the well-thought plans of the Emirati strategies of development. In honesty, this promises a good future for the universal goals of sustainable development.

One successful story of the serious effort by the Emirates to help the UN implement its SDGs is the effort of Dr. Walid Al Ali, who is an advisor at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives Foundation.

He made it clear that the participation of the institution he represents is an actual translation of its vision in supporting the international efforts to achieve the 17 sustainable development goals, especially “quality education”, which is the fourth goal in Global Goals.

In this regard, he has been working to introduce the UAE Foundation’s latest initiatives, represented by the “School Platform” initiative, which is concerned with Arabic e-learning, in addition to the “Digital School” initiative.

Another excellent example of the Emirates strive to have the Sustainable Development Goals be materialized is the coordination between the U.A.E. and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA.) Worth mentioning is the statements by the permanent representative of the UAE to IRENA, Dr. Nawal Al Hosani, where she praised the qualitative cooperation supporting sustainable development between the UAE and IRENA.

This constituted an important shift in promoting reliance on clean, and renewable energy.

To cite another good example of the Emirates’s development aims is to refer to the work of Mr. Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi. He is the Director General of the Abu Dhabi Fund for Development. He has pledged that the Fund’s participation in the UN forums relates to the UAE’s commitment to promoting sustainable development globally, within the context of the provision of financial resources required for these developmental campaigns.

He also called for a development policy that supports stimulating innovation which will bring about positive change. Overall, this will contribute to achieving development for countries and in ensuring a sustainable future for them. The Abu Dhabi Fund for Development and the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York both seek to establish partnerships to achieve global sustainable development goals, including capacity building, and a vast improvement in technology, trade, and financial affairs.

This should lead to the development of the capabilities of developing countries. This will also be accompanied by support for national plans aimed at implementing sustainable development goals and encouraging investment.

Notably, the UAE has adopted the development approach which focuses on setting up a long-term and strategic vision to achieve sustainable development. This has demonstrated the fact that the UAE is now ranked among the best countries in the world in terms of economic and social development. With persistence, the UAE has achieved qualitative successes within the framework of comprehensive development and prosperity.

This is manifested in the eradication of hunger and poverty within the framework of strengthening and achieving cohesion in its own society.

Such a sincere effort amounts also to the significant rise in the level and the quality of education, which emphasize the access of all members of the society to education.

These Emirati educational policies and programs have met the highest international standards for the achievement of the goals of the global 2021 sustainable developmental vision.

Undoubtedly, what the UAE has achieved in the various development arenas confirms its noble stature as the finest model that can be followed by the countries that are aspiring to realize development.

The supreme value of the Emirates’ development experience is to let nations know how to turn their visions into a genuine human success.

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