Is From The River To The Sea A New Gateway To A New Holocaust?

By Dave Atherton

On Saturday, 11th November 2023, I went to the Cenotaph War Memorial near Downing Street, London, on Armistice Day to pay my respects to the fallen in two World wars. It was a controversial day, as it was characterized as a “far-right” event by pro-Palestine supporters and some in the media. There was a violent clash with the police. Some claim the police engineered it to expose the thugs, and some say the violence was spontaneous.

The police initially stopped me from advancing further, and I spoke to one of the officers.

If I said, “Gas the Jews,” would you arrest me? Yes, was the immediate reply.

If I said, “Free Palestine from the river to the sea,” would you arrest me for that? “No,” he replied.
I put it to him they meant the same thing.

Stunned silence.

The police service in Britain is extensively criticized for favoring Muslims and other protected groups at the expense of Jews and white people. It has been entitled “two-tier” policing.

Palestine supporters dispute it as to whether it is a genocidal chant. On Saturday afternoons, the police agree, as crowds of hundreds of thousands stay unmolested. A clear majority in Britain knows full well that Israel is not going to leave their lands, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, and force is the only way that they will vacate Israel.

Britain has become a midden, a cesspit of anti-Semitism and orchestrated by the far-left politicos & most Muslims, British or foreign. Comparisons to 1930s Germany are not immediately dismissed. It is also noted the British rule of law has been supplanted by the rule of the mob in many cases.

Many seem shameless in their visceral hatred of Jews and Israel.

Recent shocking research has found the extent of anti-Semitism. The Jewish charity Community Security Trust (CST) saw an increase of 589 percent from October 2022 to December 2022 to the same months in 2023. In 2022, there were 1,662 incidents, and rose to 4,103 in 2023. Migrant and Muslim-rich London found a staggering increase of 1,353 percent increase in anti-Semitism.

It is not unique to Britain. In America, the American Jewish Committee found the number of Jews who “felt less secure” rose by 22%. One in four American Jews dress less visibly Jewish, such as not wearing a Kippah skull cap.
Anti-Semitism has many guises in Britain. In the first demonstration, Palestinian Ms Heba Alhayek, 29, wore an image of a paraglider in homage to the initial Hamas operatives who began the violence on 7th October 2023. She was given asylum in Britain because, she claimed, her family had criticized Hamas.

Hamas is a criminal organization, which means people cannot openly support it, and people who do are guilty of supporting terrorism. She was found guilty of supporting terrorism but inexplicably was given a Conditional Discharge, which is nothing more than a slap on the wrist. It was subsequently found that Muslim Judge Tanweer Ikram liked a pro-Palestine post on social media. The sentence is being reviewed. Others have turned up with comparisons to Hitler, making references to the Holocaust, “The final solution” in dealing with Israel.

Islamic fundamentalist site 5Pillars has authored articles on Jewish synagogues and Jewish cultural centers, which have drawn attention to their activities. At Hendon, an Israeli Defense Force (IDF) soldier had spoken to troubled Jewish boys at the Jewish Boys Clubhouse. A mob turned up in balaclavas and aggressively confronted the workers. They also highlighted an East London Jewish Community Centre. The late Queen Elizabeth II awarded the Rabbi in charge the Member of the British Empire (M.B.E.) medal for bringing different religions together, especially with the Muslim community. His son is serving in the IDF and advertised for funding warm clothing in the north of the country for the winter cold. His office was deluged with hate calls, emails, and menacing demonstrations. He received numerous death threats. The Rabbi and his wife wear stab vests.

At Leeds University, Jewish Chaplin Rabbi Zecharia Deutsch returned as an IDF Reservist and was greeted with hate. The least of the problems was Muslim and other students calling for Jews to be expelled from the campus. He received death threats, his home attacked, and anti-Semitic phone calls, including “tell that son of a bitch we are coming for him.” He was forced into hiding.

The day after 7th October, a Jewish Restaurant in Golders Green was vandalized, and the till taken. On the bridge opposite, “Free Palestine” was daubed on a bridge.”

Orthodox Hasidic Jews in Stamford Hill, north London, have endured a cacophony of physical assaults, vandalism, and abuse.

A Jewish family living in Edgware received the birth certificate back from the government with a tear and the ‘Place Of Birth – Israel’ scrawled out.

A Jewish, nationally known broadcaster is all too familiar with anti-Semitism. He told me he was targeted by the far-right in the 1990s, and the counter-terrorism police thought it wise to visit his home. He, too recently, has encountered aggression in the streets driving his car, having been recognized.

Some Jews have taken down their Mezuzah, a piece of parchment inscribed with specific Hebrew verses from the Torah, from their front door. Many have discarded kippahs and Stars of David chains, as verbal and physical abuse in the streets is common. About half of British Jews have considered moving to Israel.

There has also been a rise in Islamophobia, with figures of 600 percent mentioned. Indeed, within Britain, there is a burning blowtorch resentment to Muslim reactions to the 7th October. In contrast, some are physical and verbal, and much hangs on social media. Nevertheless, a pig’s head was dumped at a proposed mosque in Barnoldswick, in north-west England; other mosques have been vandalized with paint. Women wearing hijabs were harassed on the streets, and a Palestinian café was the victim of hate calls.

In America, anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian sentiments have risen by 180 percent. Among suspected anti-Muslim actions include, in Vermont, three Palestinian heritage people were shot, and a six-year-old Palestinian American child in Illinois was stabbed to death.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) says it has received 3,578 complaints in the last three months of 2023 and described it as “an ongoing wave of anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian hate.”

The vast majority of the population is shocked at how far their countries have descended into hate. Violence and abuse are rife, and a gossamer thin smidgen of glue holds together tempers. One can only hope peace comes to Israel and Gaza so that we can return to a more civilized society.

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