Was the UAE responsible for all of Yemen’s victories ?

Was the UAE responsible for all of Yemen’s victories

By Manel Mselmi

The Yemeni crisis had a huge impact on the population and caused a humanitarian disaster including human rights violations, violence against women and girls as well as children.

For more than 10 years ,the Arab world mainly the Arab coalition including UAE and Saudi Arabia played a huge role in offering help to the population but also defending the vulnerable groups from the violence and the agression that the Houthis (Iran’s militia) inflicted upon Yemeni people mainly minorities,women and children.

The UAE played a significant role in driving the Houthis from the south and other Yemeni provinces.

According to Yemeni Journalist Al-Hanashi since the beginning of the Yemeni war , the UAE has been instrumental in assisting the national population in liberating the country’s south, Marib, and western coast. He also mentioned that the UAE was responsible for all of Yemen’s victories, including those in Taiz, Marib, and the coast.

In March 2015 ,Houthi militias controlled Aden International Airport and large areas of the strategic city overlooking the Gulf of Aden and the Arabian Sea, in light of their efforts at the time to control Yemen by force of arms, after the coup against the legitimate government.

The Arab coalition asked for the international support of the United Nations Security Council and the Arab League, Gulf forces were immediately formed to save Yemen and prevent the Iranian-backed Houthi militia from dominating the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula and seizing the main shipping lanes linking the eastern and western hemispheres through the Red Sea and the Suez Canal.

In July 2015,there was a fierce struggle to liberate the city of Aden, until the “Southern Resistance” succeeded on July 14, with the strong participation of the UAE armed forces, in liberating the southern part of Yemen, in an epic battle described as the most important in the history of the conflict in Yemen.

In his book “25 Days to Aden” British American author and researcher,Michael Knights describes the achievements that the UAE made in Yemen to stop the houthis from attacking the legitimacy and threatening the world trade in one of the most important international shipping lanes adjacent to the Bab al-Mandab Strait.

It goes without saying that the UAE not only played a crucial role in helping the Yemeni  population by offering humanitarian aid in a time the Houthis used blackmail and sold the UN aid into the Black market but also maintained security in the region to protect international markets and world trade .

Manel Msalmi
International Affairs advisor
Expert and researcher on Iran and the Middle East.

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