The DNA of America

By General Mike Flynn

The United States was divinely created and founded upon life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The DNA of our founders still exists within each American today, and within that DNA is freedom.  These are inherent values to the citizenry of our country, and these are the values being attacked by forces of evil.

Right now, my purpose is to get you to think about what you can do throughout the next 321 days. This consequential and historic election will not only determine the fate of the United States of America, but it will also determine the fate of our children and grandchildren. Again, we have 321 days, and we must make the most of each one of them.

It is our responsibility as Americans to deliver the truth no matter the cost. This battle won’t be easy, but don’t feel sorry for yourself. Remember that right now, there’s an 18-year-old kid stationed over in Syria with an American patch on one shoulder, not knowing if he’s going to survive the day. Freedom must be sacrificed for.

I understand the circadian rhythm of life. Some days you get up and simply want to enjoy the day. Take a break that day and then the next day, triple down. We need to rise to the occasion and find ourselves, and we need to do it now.

Our enemies may have money, power, and established politicians on their side, but we the people have passion and perseverance.  When it comes to a battle for the soul of a nation, I will bet on those who fight with passion and for their very freedom, every time. We know that freedom is worth a fight, and that instinct within Americans will not easily be crushed.

We are a nation of courage when we’re tested. All we need to do now to save the U.S.A. is to do what’s right. Time to stand up, step up and speak up. Let’s work together to help save our country, the United States of America!

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