The Remote-Control Opposition in Iran
Erfan Fard
The political theatre in Iran is like a puppetry or puppet show’s performance stage. Most of these puppets, with a destructive ideology, are against development. Alarmingly, their passion is to sacrifice the Iranians in another version of 1979’s republic. Let’s shed light on this matter.
The republican opposition, which was under the mask of Khomeinism, craved to participate in power with a con mullah who monopolized it viciously. In actuality, the participants in the revolt of 1979, were pretenders of power.
Strangle enough, all the Marxist-Leninist groups, Islamic terrorists, ethnic separatists, the followers of Mosaddeq, Shariati, Khomeini and future Islamic leftists (reformists and moderates) in the political sphere of Iran are against Persian Kingdom and the late King of Iran. If you like, the knives are out for this irrelevant hostility.
Historically and literally, a true and royal Persian King or crown prince should be a defender of “territorial integrity” in any circumstances.
In recent years, some of the feminist activists came from the campaign of Faezeh Hashemi Rafsanjani (the daughter of Ali Akbar, the former President of Iran who kicked the bucket in a Russian style biological attack). In addition, some of those so-called leftist feminist activists had been trained under the supervision of Shahindokht Molaverdi (who worked in cabinet of Hassan Rouhani in women affairs).
Categorically, the political theatre in Iran is unpredictable. Respectively, numerous notorious figures with some twisting in the facts and chicanery are trying to present a ridiculous picture of the events in Iran.
For instance, a leader of an ethnic terrorist leader in PJAK party in TV interview with BBC alleged that “talking about territorial integrity is a sign of fascism” which is an absurd idea. Alas, one of former pro-Ba’ath separatist terrorist avowed that “federalism is the best way for prospect of Iran”. However, maliciously, the echo chamber of pro-1979’s terrorist groups are alleging that “defending Reza Pahlavi is a signal for far-right extremism”. In actuality, such absurd propaganda is spreading by the mullah’s regime and its allies outside Iran. we can wait for the dust to settle but the battle lines are drawn.
Mind you, all the ashes of Khomeinist and terrorist groups are attacking the crown prince Reza Pahlavi venomously. It is well known to all and sundry that they are afraid that the development of Persian Kingdom or nationalism will leads to the downfall of 1979’s vicious ideology and failure of Khominism. Their bark is worse than their bite. But inexplicably, they got stale and this became the butt of everyone’s joke. That figures that they are playing to the gallery and cry over spilled milk. Since the year dot, the rise of nationalism shakes the foundation of 1979. Strictly speaking, 1979’s ideology is on the wane and Khominism is threatened with extinction. Lightning never strikes twice in the same place.
It’s no wonder that this disaster is the reality of the intricate labyrinth political stage in Iran. Surely, on such a scale, MOIS and IRGC are ready to spring into action and they are in at the death to protect the regime of terrorist loving mullahs. At this juncture, you can see which way the wind is blowing, and you can see the writing on the wall. This is the twilight world of the history of Iran.
Words fail me, but these political dwarfs cannot seal Iranian’s fate, just they struck a heroic pose. Making a long story short, these opponents of Persian Kingdom put the cart before the horse, but the young generation are not care two hoots about. There’s not a shred of doubt that the crown prince is a man of the world, even though politically, he is on a razor edge now.
In all probability, some of the terrorist groups and ashes of 1979 will ruin all the country and will slaughter thousands, if there wont be a reliable trustworthy figure to endorse the transitional period before getting election. In particular, there are fears that the leftists and the remains of 1979 will resort to violence and will use every trick in the book. By no stretch of the imagination, the pro-1979 ‘s groups will never respect peace and stability or respect the election.
Long live freedom, in a word, Iran still has a long way to go after likely regime change!
Erfan Fard is a counter-terrorism analyst and Middle East Studies researcher based in Washington, DC. He is in Middle Eastern regional security affairs with a particular focus on Iran, counter terrorism, IRGC, MOIS and ethnic conflicts in MENA. He graduated in International Security Studies (London M. University, UK), and in International Relations (CSU-LA). Erfan is a Jewish Kurd of Iran, and he is fluent in Persian, Kurdish, Arabic and English. / Follow him from this twitter account @EQFARD / The newly published book of Erfan Fard is: “The gruesome mullah” , which has been published in the USA. His website is