Erfan Fard
October 25, 2022
The ambiguous situation in Iran is full of dark spots. Indisputably, The Regime’s internal crisis is national security issue. However, the Mullah’s militaristic regime experiencing a turbulent situation which is separate from another 18 movements after 1979. The mullahs are live in terror of regime change in Iran.
Even though, the criminal mullahs came to power in 1979 by ideology of Khomeinism, but today’s Axis-of-Evil is China- Iran- Russia. It means that Shia mullah’s religious institution is in the orbit of communism. Tellingly, the governing system of Velayat-e faqih—or guardianship of the Islamic jurist—has no different with communism. Both vicious ideologies are two sides of the same coin. After 1979, a winter with no spring insight, the Russia was an ally of mullahs. They have numerous agents inside the military and intelligence structure of the Islamic republic. There is fear that, if protesters crush the regime and mullahs regime falls, unexpectedly, one of the puppets will be in control over a situation. Just think, they know how to settle for a promise of jam tomorrow with using lies and propaganda, just to save their own neck. Time is running out, but the US has no clear policy. Biden does not know his own mind. The pro regime lobbies in the west are fawning over the US and EU authorities. The fact that the Saudis are busy in dealing with pro-regime’s reformists. They never wake up and smell the coffee. Riyadh behaves for all the world as if nothing has happened in Iran. The lobbies of Khatami and Rafsanjani are over the moon because of influence in the Saudi affiliated Persian media, news website or TV channel. Needless to say that, these pro regime stooges in Saudi affiliated Persian media have no credibility and legitimacy to shape the dominant ideology of Iran Revolution. An important point that gets at the root of the disconnect between the Saudis and Iranian society: the Saudis prepared a TV channel and some Persian news channels for pro-regime reformists. There is no freedom of speech out there, they prepared a blacklist of guests for pro monarchy specialists. the arbitrary regulation imposes censorship on all those media. Remarkably, the former terrorists who supported Khomeini in 1979 have agents and tribune in Saudi affiliated Persian media, such as MEK, ethnic separatists, reformists. In reality, these so-called fighters do not have the gumption to do anything in protecting the regime. For this reason, the plot thickened. In Iran protests 2022, all the aspects of the protests should be considered. Nobody can reveal the exact date of regime change in Iran. week in week out, Iranians continuing protests in Iran against the tyranny of the ayatollahs continuously. After regime change, predictably, it will be chaos, turmoil, and internal conflicts in Iran. Currently, this outlaw regime in Tehran has its political and an economic relationship with Europe and Middle East. No one in Europe take a leap in the dark and decides to support the regime change. Strangely enough, because of the international relations, instead of cutting the relations, they like to appease the criminal mullahs. That’s a sign of the times. The West has no desire to support the Iranian opposition in their struggle for democracy., although, the videos of bloody repression of the demonstration throughout the country are everywhere in the social media. The ruthless agents of mullahs viciously attacking citizens in the streets and the west, so, what’s the meaning of forceful condemnation of the regime’s crackdown on protesters? It’s an explicit policy decision of the west and the USA. They’re doing it in purpose to leave the brave liberty-seeking Iranian people alone. Regardless, the young generation threw their body and soul in fighting with terrorist loving mullahs in Iran. but then again, the protests of Iranians had already once inflicted upon regime an almost mortal wound. It should now be clear that the oppressive forces are shocked and tired, some of them had frequent brushes with death. Eventually, the will of change will defeat the desire of suppression. The thing is that the political atmosphere of Iran is doubtful and unclear. However, the national wide protests erupted in Iran and have entered the second month and The Iranian regime is on borrowed time. A month-old Iran’s bloody protests and resistance in Iran show regime is losing control. The nature and scope of the current round of anti-regime protests in Iran. Surprisingly, “the Marxist-Leninist groups are not too happy with regime change in Iran. They are thrilled to support the Islamic lefts – pro regime reformists – to may hijack and take control on this revolution as well. No one knows where it is going. Everyone wants to be a leader. 99% don’t have what it takes. The bottom line is these people have a rotten head on their shoulders and do everything wrong. None of them has any experience in running anything. They vine and bitch. Poor crown prince Reza Pahlavi is being obscured by their activities.”
Erfan Fard is a counter-terrorism analyst and Middle East Studies researcher based in Washington, DC. he is in Middle Eastern regional security affairs with a particular focus on Iran, Counter terrorism, IRGC, MOIS and Ethnic conflicts in MENA .he graduated in International Security Studies (London M. University, UK), and in International Relations (CSU-LA). He is fluent in Persian, Kurdish, Arabic and English. / Follow him in this twitter account @EQFARD