THE U.S. INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY: Iran is a worldwide threat!

Erfan Fard

On March 8th, 2023, US The US director of National intelligence Avril Haines mentioned this point in the US Senate Intelligence Committee officially.

Sagely said, Iran will persist to threaten U.S. interests as it tries to grind down U.S. influence in the Middle East, establish its influence and project power in neighboring states, and decrease threats to the mullah’s regime.

The US intelligence community and the dilemma of Iran remains and it considers that Tehran will struggle to leverage diplomacy, its expanding nuclear program, its conventional, proxy, and terrorist allies, and its military sales and acquisitions to advance its vicious goals.

The mullah’s regime sees itself as locked in an pragmatic battle with the United States and its regional allies, while it pursues its longstanding aspirations for regional control. The criminal Shia mullahs are struggling to be a dominant power in the region based on China-Russia orbit.

Factually, JCPOA is dead. So, unquestionably, renewing any deal with the terrorist loving mullahs will be a preposterous policy. An unexplained nuclear activity in several Iranian sites, means making nuclear Bomb. Conspicuously, it will be a grave threat for all.

Ferociously, the Iranian regime suppressed the most widespread and prolonged protests since the 1979 revolt. The economic or political situation in Iran is worse than failed states. Objectively, the corrupted mafia regime of Shia mullahs has no credibility and legitimacy among a wide swath of society.

The protracted protests and prolonged unrest frightened the existence of mullah’s religious octopus. Even through brutal behavior and bullying, MOIS and IRGC silenced the compounding crises but more likely it will confront the regime’s staying power. It will reignite unrest and result in larger volatility.

The CIA director, as a veteran in State Department, mentioned no critical point regarding Iran. Oddly enough, Biden’s CIA director and Iran are two inseparable parts in intelligence community. But Biden’s policy toward Iran leads to not only brazen the criminal ayatollahs in jumping forward to acquire the bomb, but also doing espionage inside the US!

Iran will persist to endanger U.S. persons directly and via terrorist proxy attacks, predominantly in the Middle East. Iran also remains committed to developing proxy networks inside the United States, an objective it has pursued for more than a decade. Undeniably, as a perennial problem, The FBI and Iranian espionage is another threat!

Regionally, Iranian-backed terrorist network of proxies will pursue to launch attacks against U.S. servicemen. Iran has intimidated to focus on U.S. officials because of Qasem Soleimani’s killing.

Furthermore, Iran’s outlaw regime maintains threatening Israel, as a US partner, through its transnational terrorist network. In a predictable future, Iran will remain a source of chaos, terrorist attacks and instability across the region with it’s provide backing of Iraqi Shia militias and proxies, which cause the most important threat to U.S. personnel in Middle East and Persian Gulf. As well, U.S. interests in the region is in danger because of Iran’s aggressive approach.

Even more important, the growing Iran influence across Middle East, North Africa and Latin America should be a priority for the US intelligence community. Iran’s threat is the cornerstone of CIA consideration as it should have been for Israel.

However, Iran’s ballistic missile programs will cause a danger to countries across the Middle East. One contentious issue is Iran has put emphasis on improving its missiles and ICBM. Steadily and tenaciously, the mullahs have enhanced the extension and implementation of its nuclear program, producing and enriching uranium and will test nuclear device almost instantaneously. There is no way to permanently alter mullah’s hostile behavior.

In an analytical framework, Iran continues to message that needs to produce nuclear weapons and the reason is crystal clear. It will be threatening both Israel and the US. The recent US intelligence report indicated that. Moreover, in an unscrupulous approach, the destructive Iranian cyber-attacks and its malign influence operations for critical infrastructure is another substantial issue.

This outburst of inadvertent truth, the US intelligence community did not talk about any solution to solve the issue, for instance a crucial question is why Biden – the 3rd Jimmy Carter – has no desire to support Regime Change in Iran. there is a legitimate concern that Iran is not on the top of Biden agenda. It is no small matter.

As of now, the US various policy priorities with Iran (Nuclear Bomb, Terrorism, military aggression) can not be delinked. Unfortunately, with this paralyzed policy in democrat White House, Iran mullah’s regime can act with virtual impunity in the region with more bark than bite. Albeit for different reasons, IRGC, Quds Force and MOIS can make another disaster.

It’s not ignorable that a lot remained to be done to having Iran’s terrorist regime to its knees. It’s needed to get the sanctions back in place and make the reimposed sanctions effective immediately. Furthermore, the US must impose “maximum pressure” and trigger snapback. Convincingly, It’s a great start. The reason is clear, because mullah’s regime is one of the top threats identified in the US national security strategy.


Erfan Fard is a counter-terrorism analyst and Middle East Studies researcher based in Washington, DC. He is in Middle Eastern regional security affairs with a particular focus on Iran, counter terrorism, IRGC, MOIS and ethnic conflicts in MENA. He graduated in International Security Studies (London M. University, UK), and in International Relations (CSU-LA). Erfan is a Jewish Kurd of Iran, and he is fluent in Persian, Kurdish, Arabic and English. / Follow him from this twitter account @EQFARD / The newly published book of Erfan Fard is: “Regime Change in Iran” , which has been published in the USA.

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