The crown prince of Iran is front-runner

Erfan Fard

on September 16, 2022, anti-mullah’s regime protests have taken place in Iran. Mahsa, a young Kurdish woman visiting Tehran, was detained, crushed, and slaughtered savagely. Iran erupted in nationwide demonstration against the criminal mullahs and the system’s savagery.

Since the early days of the protests increased by Mahsa’s death, some of the disreputable ethnic separatists’ groups appeared in the political theatre and media’s mafia of Iran. The protests were a second wind for their opportunist and populist policies.

Ostensibly, one of main futures of the protests among young generation was focusing on Iranian Nationalism. In actuality, this moral support was the only approach against the Khomeinist Ideology of the regime.

Naughtily, one of the London-based TV , Iran International, showed the morose figures of the ethnic separatists .

Nebulously, such guests were talking about the Ethnic Rights, Federalism and other nauseous subjects which were far from the dominant ideology of public opinion and ongoing protests in Iran.

However, the mafia of Reformists uses the card of ethnic separatists to threat the patriotic opponents. Once upon a time, indisputably, these sullen figures were related to Ba’th Party and Saddam Hussein in Iraq with terrorist background. For this reason, the viewers, squeamishly, were squinting into the so-called Saudi-TV of Iranians in London.

Tersely, this treacherous policy of Iran International has sullied the main message of protests and terrorized the activists inside Iran. none of the serious political figures in diaspora had a spirit to treat with these separatists’ characters. Perhaps, these worthless tales and destructive ideas has persuaded some of the activists inside Iran to change their opinion to continue the anti-theocracy protests.

One of the main individuals and respected figures among the opponents is the Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi. As soon as he invited all the oppositions of Iranian activists, they have started to slap him down. It was another slapstick of so-called fake opposition in diaspora who slash a highly regarded figure in the Iranian self-explanatory political theatre.

The Crown Price Reza Pahlavi did not want to skate around the integrity of Iran and Persian Nationalism. Self-righteously, some of these shallow activists decided to put Pahlavi to shame of an alliance, but he was too smart to accept that trick. Reverentially, they were no great shakes.

Self-evidently, some of these fake opposition had no desire to help regime change in Iran, or they had no strong will to help the collapse of mullah’s regime, because of self-interests.

Brazenly, one of the activists – a virago- supported a villainous separatist. A couple of years ago in London, 2 of the Kurdish separatists groups had a 4 hours meeting with the Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi. They took a picture and invited him to Kurdish region in Iran. thanks to CIA that did not believe the plan and dissuaded the Crown Prince to travel to Iraq!

It wasn’t long before one of them revealed his true colors. He, with label of Democrat, wanted to abuse his relationship with Pahlavi economically and dadding him from behind. There is not a shred of doubt that Reza Pahlavi did not move an inch in the negotiations with ethnic seperatists.

Vindictively, this ethnic separatist vindicates himself and has started naïve propaganda against the eminent crown prince. Cunningly and unceremoniously, this vandal and vampire wants to portrait the Late Shah of Iran as the villain of the piece before 1979. In fact, he, and his political organization with the label of Kurd believes Vandalism and treachery.

Valiantly, the valorous crown prince has indicated his man unbending goal and he is a front runner. Unavailingly, any deal or alliance with the ethnic separatist groups cannot be appropriate for the Iranians young generation through the transition period. Tacitly, it is ridiculous that some of these ethnic separatist groups are in favor of pro-regime’ jejune lobbies.

If the be known, Reza Pahlavi strikes out on his own and made strides to be accepted as a legitimate alternative after regime change in Iran. This issue has had a high profile in recent months. Only time will tell.


Erfan Fard is a counter-terrorism analyst and Middle East Studies researcher based in Washington, DC. He is in Middle Eastern regional security affairs with a particular focus on Iran, counter terrorism, IRGC, MOIS and ethnic conflicts in MENA. He graduated in International Security Studies (London M. University, UK), and in International Relations (CSU-LA). Erfan is a Jewish Kurd of Iran, and he is fluent in Persian, Kurdish, Arabic and English. / Follow him from this twitter account @EQFARD / The newly published book of Erfan Fard is: “The gruesome mullah” , which has been published in the USA.

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