Erfan Fard
In a globe threatened by Islamic terrorism, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, PIJ, is one of the most complicated and treacherous Arab terrorist organizations in the Middle East which endangered and threatened the region.
With sharing a fundamentalist Islamic ideology, Iranian regime espoused terrorists of PIJ. The outlaw regime of mullahs in Tehran is sponsoring, aiding and organizing terrorist attacks with such notorious terrorist organizations.
Drastically, PIJ is under the ideological-religious influence of the Khomeinist criminal mullahs in Iran. accordingly, by means of religious indoctrination of mullahs, the approach of PIJ is violent confrontation, suicide operations and an aggressive approach.
Unescapably, the terrorist attempts of PIJ has denounced in international modern community. Surely, the dead operatives of this notorious groups chose to go to Hell in our time. It is a misinterpretation concerning the terrorist activities of the Islamic Jihad. Certainly, for God’s sake, there is no consecration and the Lord never appreciate the terrorist Islamic Jihadists around the world.
Iranian regime, as cradle of the international terrorism, generated the outgrowth of PIJ, as the anti-Israeli terrorist group. Which state their fake imagination is to be replaced in Israel? Undoubtedly, it would be a rule of radical Islamic in Palestinian Gaza Strip. In this regard, they are followers a criminal Shiite mullah, which was Khomeini. “Israel must perish from the face of the earth” was the absurd word of abovementioned outrageous ayatollah.
Purportedly, the relationship between PIJ, as a patron, and Iranian regime in far from weaponizing or financing or carrying out devastating suicide bombings. In this concept, this is the Khomieni- oriented view toward the world, because the central core of the PIJ’e terrorist activities is terrorism.
Essentially, the growth of Shiite terrorist octopus is the consequence of the 1979’s revolt in Iran. The destructive ideology of Khomeinism leads to many ideological and political movements in the region. Even though, the Shiite radical ideology, the terrorist path of the Muslim Brotherhood and the Sunni extremist movements have a continuous connection with the mullah’s regime in Iran.
In any stages, since 1980, The founder of this terrorist Islamic movement was a puppet in hands of the Muslim Brotherhood and mullah’s regime. Both of them advocate Palestine Islamic Jihad against the west and Israel.
Despite the fact that both have strong leanings toward the terrorists of PIJ, but Iran announced relationship frankly, but Muslim brotherhood never declared their sympathy. Furthermore, with regard to the impact of Shiite Islamic fundamentalism in Iran, the figures of radicalism and Islamic terrorism (Jihad) , such as Sayyid Qutb, Al-Banna, Khomeini and etc , are the spiritual leaders and an ideological frame of this notorious movement.
Apparently, the terrorist revolt of 1979 in Iran, which emerged from Muslim Brotherhood and terrorists of Palestine, came to offer a so-called Islamic version that could be followed. For that reason, the PIJ members and followers go through hard ideological indoctrination which is Khomeinism and Islamic Terrorism and training by MOIS, IRGC Quds Force and Hezbollah throughout the Middle East.
These days, after historical visit of the Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi, IRGC and MOIS have triggered PIJ to attack Israel savagely. The reason is crystal clear; the outlaw regime of Tehran is against peace and stability in the region. Therefore, PIJ played a devastating role in the clashes between Israel and Gaza. Along the way, opportunistically, the circles close to Khamenei fueled the fire wildly with a desire to destroy Israel. Albeit, the real motivation of Iran behind sponsoring this terrorist operations and its proxies’ regional attacks is expanding the influence of Shiism. Relatively, it will be a failed policy, that’s for sure.
Today, the reaction of Israel is more than Holy War against fundamentalism and underground violent activities of a terrorist group. In this context, most of the prominent PIJ terrorist leaders are the targets of Israeli intelligence community. Idiotically, alongside this, when IRGC praises any terrorist attacks against Israel and advocating violence, PIK seeks to challenge the Jewish State from within, by assistance of IRGC terrorists in advancing PIJ’s military arm and its terrorist infrastructure.
Alas, the challenge of the Israel which face this terrorist threats and violence, has some casualties. This fact highlights the Holy war of Israel on terrorism and has the right to eliminate this destructive ideology and an extremist group – or US designated terrorist organization – which has no link to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In this sense, Iranian regime is the primary source of funding these terrorist organizations towards the fundamental issues surrounding Jihad.
Markedly, in line with PIJ’s ideological adherence to Iranian regime, Jihad in lexicon of Khomeinism means Islamic terrorism. Quixotically, the vision of liberating all of Palestine or Palestinian resistance is an absurd propaganda of the alliance between PIJ and Iranian regime. It is not particularly surprising that the Iranian regime uses charitable funds, religious foundations, and cultural events to raise money in Gaza.