Read the Mullahs’ book Mr. Biden!

Erfan Fard

In November 2010, King Abdullah advised and repeatedly exhorted the US to attack Iran to demolish its nuclear weapons program, portraying Iran as a snake whose head should be cut off without any postponement. He said, “cut off the snake!”, but the Saudi problem and the head of the snake remains.

If you ask, “why Washington should seek regime change in Tehran?”, the answer will be: Regime Change is a poisonous word in lobbies and political corridors of Washington. In other words, the EU and White House will never consider regime change in their lexicon.

On the contrary, the European and American politicians are seeking to have a deal with criminal mullahs behind the closed doors and love to miscalculating credulously. Alas, for quite some time, the current white house attempts to sweep the scandal under the rug. to

What matters is that any deal with the Shiite mullahs, the more problematic it becomes. Simply put, Its self-deception and the aggressive approach of mullahs will blowing up in your face.

Face up to the fact that they will try to cause turmoil in the region. A tiger cannot change its stripes. To coin a phrase, nobody can change the DNA of the criminal mullahs.

Apparently for the current democrat president of the US, they do not suppose it is of any consequence now. From all accounts, the main goal of Biden is investing on coming presidential election. He will shout JCPOA from the rooftops and will be thrilled to pieces. As a politician, he took a leaf from Jimmy Carter’s book.

Joe Biden is old enough to recall Chamberlain and Hitler deal on 1938. The British Prime Minister didn’t know Hitler at all, and he said it was “peace for our time”. Almost, Hitler had got what he wanted without firing a shot. 6 months later, in March 1939, Hitler sent his soldiers into other parts of the Europe.

Similarly, Biden doesn’t have a clue regarding the savage mullah’s book. Naively, he is pleased with JCPOA, only for near election. Let me tell you, in all probability, the mullah’s regime will make the nuclear bomb!

With the recitation of a few verses of the Koran, the terrorist-loving mullahs in Iran will assemble the nuke bomb. Then like first Jimmy Carter in 1979, this democrat president of the US, in the foreseeable future, is going to ask himself ” what happened?”

The democrats are always too naive. Because of the interests of the USA, The white house should learn how to read the mullahs’ book! And highly predictable, Biden is under the illusion on a large scale.

Historically, under no circumstances, General Patton did not believe the German general Erwin Rommel than he could beat him. As General George S. Patton surveys the positive results of the battle in progress between Allied forces and the Nazi army in northern Africa, he proclaims, “Rommel, you magnificent bastard, I read your book!”

The mullahs have their own tricks, quackery and Taqiya or Taqiyya (pious denial). It goes without saying that in their religious schools they are studying how to deceive, not how to learn physics, mathematics, or chemistry.

The skeleton in the cupboard is the lack of knowledge and information regarding the Khomeinist mullahs is a recurrent theme. It is clear that the mullahs do not give a hoot about international community or peace and stability. That’s why the west and the US cannot beat them or wipe them off the face of the earth.

The best solution for the international community is listening to the advice of Israel, because the snake of the region will create another major crisis in the region after a while.

One day Joe Biden will wake up at 11:00 AM and will ask himself what happened? , Surely CNN will announce that these hazardous creatures obtained nuclear bomb! Like it or lump it, that day will be a tragedy for the world. “never blaspheme!,” my mother said.


Erfan Fard is a counter-terrorism analyst and Middle East Studies researcher based in Washington, DC. He is in Middle Eastern regional security affairs with a particular focus on Iran, counter terrorism, IRGC, MOIS and ethnic conflicts in MENA. He graduated in International Security Studies (London M. University, UK), and in International Relations (CSU-LA). Erfan is a Jewish Kurd of Iran, and he is fluent in Persian, Kurdish, Arabic and English. / Follow him from this twitter account @EQFARD / The newly published book of Erfan Fard is: “The gruesome mullah” , which has been published in the USA.

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