Mullah’s Regime is at Death’s Door.

Erfan Fard

There are couple of weeks ahead for the one-year commemoration of the nationwide protests triggered by the death of Mahsa Amini.

Currently, “Iranian authorities are considering a draconian new bill on hijab-wearing that experts say would enshrine unprecedentedly harsh punitive measures into law.”[CNN]

In reality, Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian woman, passed away last September after being captured by the mullah’s notorious morality police. However, purportedly, she was taken to a “re-education center,” because of refusing the country’s arbitrary conservative dress code.

After a while, stubbornly, the faded morality police had pulled back from pursuing protests. Though, earlier this month, the morality police decided to restart warning and then capturing women who are caught without the Islamic headscarf in public. Their promises were all stuff and nonsense.

Until hell freezes over, the mullahs will have they are following ruthlessness. Even though, the criminal mullahs are on the edge of a precipice and their outlaw regime faces extinction. For that reason, beshrewing mullahs is on everyone’s lips.

Since last year, Finally, Iranians come to a decision. As expected, Regime Change becomes a reality. The die is cast. The criminal mullahs ‘ve ruled Iran with an iron fist for 44 years. They can’t think of a rose once more. They’re the bane of Iranian’s life. Never the twain shall meet.

It goes without saying that Mullah’s institution is a cancerous tumor that has no intention of letting Modern Iranians off the hook. There’s the rub that the world hold no truck with realities and facts. Times flies.

After night comes the dawns. Hopefully, after Regime Change in Iran, the notorious mullah’s book be burned. All things must pass. These thugs annihilated the academic institutions by spreading Superstitions and the destructive ideology of Khomeinism. Certainly, the phoenix will rise from the ashes in Iran.

Predictably, in the anniversary of Mahsa, Iran’s regime will pull out all the stops to make a chaotic situation in the region. It’s the same old story. Anything goes! The rascal mullahs look for trouble and will sign their death warrant. However, this outlaw regime is on the edge of an abyss. Only time will tell.

After o lot of huffing and puffing, all the mullah’s lobbies in diaspora wanted to protect the regime. For example, NIAC is on the hiding to nothing. If you like, the mullah’s regime in Iran doesn’t have two pennies to rub together. For this obvious reason, the word “humanity” isn’t in NIAC ‘s vocabulary.

The regime likes to surround themselves with the thugs just to prolong the life of the regime. They believe that lightning never strikes twice in the same place. In reality, these brutality and repression paved the way for an internal crisis. For these reasons the young generation treat mullahs like dirt. Strangely enough, this lack of legitimacy shakes the foundation of criminal ayatollahs. In addition, the battle lines are already drawn for the next wave of protests. it is significant that nobody see which way the wind is blowing. Only time will tell, but quest of democracy in Iran throw the book at the criminal ayatollahs. Simply put, Iranians still have a long way to go.


Erfan Fard is a counter-terrorism analyst and Middle East Studies researcher based in Washington, DC. He is in Middle Eastern regional security affairs with a particular focus on Iran, counter terrorism, IRGC, MOIS and ethnic conflicts in MENA. He graduated in International Security Studies (London M. University, UK), and in International Relations (CSU-LA). Erfan is a Jewish Kurd of Iran, and he is fluent in Persian, Kurdish, Arabic and English. / Follow him from this twitter account @EQFARD / The newly published book of Erfan Fard is: “The gruesome mullah” , which has been published in the USA.

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