UAE, a global example in renewable solar energy production

By Dr. Tim Frazier

The United Arab Emirates solar energy market size is growing, reaching more than 15 thousand megawatts annually. This was verified a couple of days ago through the publication of an international solar energy index that the UAE is one of the top nations in the world in the use of solar energy.

The highly sophisticated utilization of solar energy by the United Arab Emirates will boost her effort to render COP28 a great success. It is time now for the whole world to learn from the Emirates how you use solar energy wisely. The generosity of the Government of the Emirates should be extended to offer to students from Third World countries scholarships on how to study the Emirates’ successful solar energy programs.

By investing smartly in solar energy resources, the UAE is defining how diversified, how brilliant, and how long-tern a renewable energy portfolio and strategy can be.

Although somehow still a well kept secret, UAE is a top five to top ten depending on metrics, consumer of its own produced solar energy. Recent sustainable development projects in cities like Dubai demonstrate UAEs dedication to environmental conservation ensuring future generations will have the same opportunities as the current one. UAE has emerged as a clear global leader in long-term sustainable development as evidenced by their dedication to renewable energy.

Much of the world is lagging behind the beautiful example being set by UAE’s enormous energy diversification efforts. UAE is estimated to hold roughly the world’s seventh largest proven oil reserves and natural gas reserves. This fact demonstrates that UAE”s energy diversification efforts are not motivated by economic gain but instead by the desire to be good stewards of the planets resources.

As UAE continues to prepare for COP28 it is clear that this event will likely be an amazing success. COP28 will not only demonstrate the progress UAE has made toward energy diversification, it will show the world what is possible if it begins to follow UAE’s lead. The goal of net zero will be achieved as UAE continues to develop and promote its already amazing solar energy programs. What an amazing example for the world to follow from this global leader.

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