Hamas, from a Muslim Brotherhood movement to a terrorist organization with ISIS performance

By Manel Msalmi

The phenomenon of political Islam and the extent of its danger on political life in the Arab world caught the attention of so many researchers and intellectuals in the Arab and western world, so throughout many years of my research after the Arab spring outbreak and the rise of political islam organizations ,I noticed the danger of putting togther religion and politics which has a great impact on democracy and individual freedoms in the Arab world.

The Muslim Brotherhood, which was founded in Cairo by Hassan Al-Banna in the twenties of the last century and  how it appeared and grew, we will discuss one of the products of this  poisonous ideology , where everyone who emerged from it was characterized by murder, crime, and destruction of society.

Developments in the Gaza Strip revealed that the Hamas movement may show its true face, as it appeared as a revised version of ISIS. What Hamas did against civilians in Israel is no less criminal than ISIS. The practices carried out by individuals and elements of Hamas are not approved by the Holy Qur’an or the Islamic religion. It is their lust and shows them with a brutal face, while Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance and the Qur’an calls for mercy, while Hamas covered them up in order to commit crimes that amount to major humanitarian crimes. It exposes both the Israeli and the Palestinian people to a crime that cannot be described, and all of this is in service of external agendas that are of no use to the Palestinian people .

But we must return to the movement and present a narrative about that cancerous origin and its relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood, which did not enter a country without spreading subversive, destructive thought in it. The examples are countless in the Arab world and after the Arab spring so many Arab countries suffered from their propaganda and ideology.

So who is Hamas?  In description, it is the Islamic Resistance Movement, called (Hamas) for short. It is an armed Palestinian Islamic political movement, and is intellectually linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. However, in 2017 it announced the dissolution of its organizational affiliation with the Muslim Brotherhood, and its transformation into an independent Palestinian organization, an announcement that is nothing more than a new strategy to have the support of the Arab and Muslim world .

Hamas found some sponsors  to finance and support it with money and weapons, without taking any account. The movement returned to the Iranian home of obedience and regained its role as an Iranian arm after years of division in Syria, where Tehran succeeded in domesticating it and turning it into mercenaries.

Hamas defines itself as a national liberation movement with moderate Islamic thought, but its actions since its founding reveal that it is nothing more than a tool for murder and sabotage. How could it not be when it is classified as a terrorist organization by the United States, the European Union, Britain, Japan, Canada, Germany ,Australia, New Zealand Israel, the UAE, and the USA.

The origins of the Hamas movement date back to the Muslim Brotherhood. Documents reveal that in the year 1935, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, led by Hassan al-Banna, established contacts in Palestine while it was under the British mandate. In 1945, it opened its first branch in Jerusalem, and then it was established.

The group’s main headquarters was opened on November 25, 1946. The group held an opening ceremony in the “Al-Samer” cinema hall in Gaza City, and Ayesh Amira founded the first branch of the Brotherhood in Gaza. What is noteworthy is that the movement did not engage in any resistance or peace initiative to end the conflict ,the group preferred to focus on social and religious reforms and restoring Islamic values.

In the early eighties , the vision of the Brotherhood branch and the rest of the Islamic organizations that emerged from Muslim Brotherhood organization changed and became involved in Palestinian politics. The one who has the motivation behind this change was probably Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, who became one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, despite  Being a quadriplegic, this created an aura for him that attracted followers.
It is reported that in 1973, Ahmed Yassin founded the religious and social charitable organization “The Islamic Center” in Gaza as a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood.

The problem is that Hamas  does not accept the two-state solution initiative proposed by Saudi Arabia since the days of King Fahd, through the initiative of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz at the Beirut summit in 2002, all the way to the insistence of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on The Palestinian people will obtain their full rights and the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, in accordance with the Arab initiative, before talking about any normalization.

In the details of his upbringing, the information mention that Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, who was arrested in 1984 on the grounds of collecting weapons and was released in May 1985 as part of a prisoner exchange, continued to expand the scope of his charitable organization’s work in Gaza, and also established the Al-Majd Movement, which is an abbreviation for “System.”  Jihad and Dawah,” headed by former student leader Yahya Al-Sanwar and Rawhi Mushtahi, and Sheikh Ahmed Yassin announced the establishment of Hamas on December 6, 1987.

It is important to highlight that two days before the Hamas attack on Israel ,there was a huge annual rally of Israeli and Palestinian women called “women wage Peace “calling for peace and coexistence between the two peoples .As Canadian author and activist from Palestinian descent ,Yasmine Mohammed pointed out “Many Palestinians in Gaza hate Hamas ,my father certainly did “.

The use of the Hostages policy is a strategy which iran uses to put pressure on the EU and the US .Holding more than 200 Hostages who are also EU and US nationals is a means to use blackmail regarding the EU and the US position. The Abraham Accords between Israel and Arab countries and peace negotiations in the region are a real threat to Iran which uses its backed-militia to stop the peace process and create instability in the region.

So we conclude that Hamas, which emerged from the Muslim Brotherhood movement, is nothing but a tool in the hands of those who finance and support it, and it turns against it when it feels that it threatens its existence.  The mullahs’ regime in Tehran has guns for rent and mercenaries, who  do not care about the interests of the Palestinian people, and its leaders are financed and establish companies while the Gaza Strip groans.

About the author :
Manel Msalmi is a researcher in Environmental humanities and Middle East studies.She is an expert in Iran and minorities .She is the author of the book “The Iranian project in the Middle East ” and president and Founder of the European Association for The Defense of Minorities. She collaborates with the EU institutions and UN human rights organizations on gender equality,human rights and democracy.

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