Erfan Fard
This week in contemporary Iranian history marks a sinister day, perhaps unknown to the rest of the world. 45 years ago, on this very day, the Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, a loyal friend to the modern and civilized West and America, left Iran. In his place, a cunning Shia mullah returned to Iran, assuming power without the people’s vote, declaring himself God’s representative on Earth, and naming his rule as the governance of Allah on Earth. Today, however, the entire world recognizes that the most corrupt, bloodthirsty, and tyrannical “government of Allah” on Earth has turned Iran into a prison for 88 million people. Each month and week, its bloodthirsty rulers execute a young person on the gallows, perhaps to extend the religious dictatorship’s hold on power and wealth in Iran a bit longer.
The fake representatives of God on Earth have plunged the entire Middle East into chaos, spending all of Iran’s wealth, benefits, and resources on regional terrorism, sectarianism, pyrotechnics, and baseless, ominous attacks on America and Israel.
The financial resources of the Iranian people are squandered on funding Islamic terrorism. Iran’s name has vanished, and the term terrorism has become so intertwined with the name of Iran’s civilized and historical people that it may not be possible to separate these two names and characteristics for another half-century.
The people of Iran have risen 18 times against religious despotism and their incompetent rulers like Khomeini and Khamenei. However, when they received no international support and faced brutal suppression by the fake representatives of God on Earth and criminal holy men, a dark cloud of despair and anger has overshadowed the Iranian people.
Before the ominous attack of October 7th began, Khamenei promised the destruction of Israel, and the villains, the commanders of the IRGC, held a press conference in front of the flags of the world’s dangerous terrorists, sneering at Israel, America, and the entire world, saying, “Look what unparalleled power we have!” But when the civilized world has no interest in listening or seeing, what is the fault of the Iranian people? Nothing!
For years, these terrorists have looted the table of the Iranian people, and the nation’s budget, instead of being spent on development, industry, agriculture, and the education of the Iranian people, is spent on tunnels, grenades, bullets, and missiles for terrorists. Suddenly, the mullahs feared an Israeli attack, pressed the denial button, and insisted they knew nothing about the incident. The world believed, but the Iranian people know that the nature of the mullahs is intertwined with lies.
American soldiers were brutally attacked, and again the mullahs were afraid and denied, and American security officials also heard, but ordinary people in the villages of Iran also know that behind all these crises and wars are the servants of Russia and China, namely the mullahs of Tehran. They haven’t even read the security reports and analyses, but they know that the mullahs’ mission is destruction and ruin.
Biden and the Democratic officials in the American government also respect the mullahs unprecedentedly and inexplicably, and no one knows what the benefit of this respect and not hearing and not seeing is. Why has America been deceived 4 times? Carter, because of Khomeini, betrayed the Shah; Clinton, because of the reformists who are the other side of the coin of the hardline conservatives, was pleased with Khatami; Obama wrote letters to Khamenei in the middle of the Iranian people’s uprising; and Biden, instead of supporting the Iranian people’s desire for regime change and freedom from prison, spent 3 years of his presidency reviving Obama’s dead JCPOA and now doesn’t even want to say that the mullahs are criminals!
Even American newspapers still attach an ugly title to the name of Ayatollah, meaning the sign of God! If you don’t take me to the Revolutionary Court, can I ask why should respect be given to a bunch of criminals? A watermelon, a cucumber, and a cockroach are also signs of God, meaning the creator. Nothing but crime comes from under the mullahs’ cloak for humanity. The people of Iran have been victims of this illusion, deception, and lies for 1400 years.
And now, with all due respect, it can be said to the President of the most important country in the world, America, that the mullahs are more cowardly than what you think if you do not wash your hands, one day at 11 am when you wake up, the CIA will inform you that the criminal Ayatollahs have made their first atomic bomb. Then what will you do? Let me say frankly, the terrorist loving mullahs will also destroy the American hemisphere. You have not yet grasped the meaning of the word mullah.