Unlike conservatism, Marxism and Maoism are totalitarian ideologies that place significant emphasis on operational tactics, which is necessary because they rely on a small but highly disciplined minority to impose their alien agenda on a vastly larger majority that rejects it.
They enjoying great success in doing just this. But as they are going about it, they are also closely assessing and testing the will and capabilities of this much larger majority.
So, for instance, they ask:
1. What would the Republican and conservative establishment do if we actually manipulated a presidential election and installed an illegitimate and almost certainly compromised president in their great nation?
Answer: As they saw, not much. In fact, outrageously, the @GOP and conservative establishment have not yet even had the guts to acknowledge Biden’s illegitimacy. And we have allowed this.
2. What would the Republican and conservative establishment do if we fully opened the borders to their great nation and began using every governmental and global resource available to import millions of illegal aliens, including foreign agents, terrorists, cartel leaders, and violent criminals?
Answer: As they saw, not much. Sure, the GOP and conservative establishment used it as a successful fundraising mechanism. Sure, they narrated and commented on its outrageousness in news reports. But they have not emerged with any coherent plan to stop it. And we have allowed this.
3. What would the Republican and conservative establishment do if we handed Afghanistan, where over 2,400 American heroes were killed over the 20-year post-9/11 war on terrorism, right back to the terrorist Taliban and abruptly departed, not even notifying allied Afghan colleagues at Bagram Airfield, who woke up the next day unaware that we departed in the dark of night?
Answer: As they saw, nothing. And we have allowed this.
The examples are extensive, but the point is this:
At every step, this Maoist revolutionary movement–and that is what we confront–has not just succeeded but they have succeeded with relative ease, advancing even their boldest and most outrageous operational initiatives with what must have struck them as surprisingly limited opposition.
This is immensely dangerous for two reasons. First, obviously, with great succesd, they have made great and expeditious progress in advancing their ambitious agenda. Second, the ease of these victories has understandably left them feeling highly brazen, emboldened, optimistic, energized, and inspired as they continue their so far successful grand undertaking of taking down the freest, wealthiest, and most powerful nation in world history.
You might ask: How is it possible for such a small number of hardened ideologues with the most alien and unappealing ideals to impose their will on the vast majority of Americans who clearly oppose these ideals?
Answer: It is not in their size, power, or numbers. Rather, it is because they long ago assembled and embraced the operational discipline, including basic leadership traits (collaboration, strategic planning, unity, unyielding focus, boldness, relentless diligence, accountability, etc.).
This nation’s conservative and Republican establishment, on the other hand, has been engaged in almost uniformly performative undertakings, largely chronicling America’s demise–writing books, hosting television shows and podcasts, giving lectures, etc. It has brought many of them wealth and fame, but it never represented any serious prospect for halting the advance of this smaller but vastly more disciplined radical movement that has swiftly seized control of nearly institution at the core of our civil society.